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By Cheryl Knowlton

The 25 Biggest Mistakes
Speakers Make

(And How To Avoid Them)

25 Biggest Mistakes Book.jpeg

Burn The Hamster Wheel

Stress Management Strategies For Today's
Real Estate Professionals

Renowned Real Estate Professional, Teacher & Coach Cheryl Knowlton, CSP first book is here to BURN The Hamster Wheel of traditional Real Estate stresses and breathe new life in to this fast paced industry. Many new Real Estate agents fall out of the industry within the first 2 years! Let Cheryl guide you to a positive & sustainable career in Real Estate and avoid many of the common headaches Agents face today.

I'm Only Half Crazy

Life Lessons Learned While Running 20 Half-Marathons



246 Things

That Can Go WRONG In A Real Estate Transaction

Renowned Real Estate Professional, Teacher & Coach Cheryl Knowlton, CSP is here to point out many of the things that can go wrong in a real estate transaction and why it so important to get a professional on your side.

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